Emergency Response Service(ERS)
Emergency Response Service (ERS) is a consulting service. Once a ship’s owner/operator has signed ERS agreement with a classification society, and an ERS database has established containing information on stability and structural strength of the relevant ship, a permanent shore-based emergency response system of the society will be actuated quickly upon the application of the ship’s owner/operator in case of an accident, e.g., collision, grounding and oil spillage, etc. The ERS database will be accessed and damage stability, residual strength and oil spillage will be calculated and analyzed as required by the ship’s owner/operator. In this way, technical solutions are provided to the master/ ship’s owner/operator, which assist them in making the final decision to rescue the ship in distress.
In emergency, the optimum action of rescuing the crew and cargo, protecting the environment is not noticeable. For the water flooding and oil spillage caused by collision, grounding, fire, explosion or bad weather, the matter will be worse if not handled properly. In the sea, the crew and the manager need accurate information to reduce the consequence of the accident as soon as possible. In this case, a comprehensive assessment of the ship’s stability and longitudinal strength is necessary. ERS is established for providing this technical support 24 hours everyday.
The functions of ClassNU-ERS:
1.Damage stability and floating condition analysis;
2.Residual longitudinal strength analysis;
3.Grounding stability and longitudinal strength analysis;
4.Damage oil spillage assessment;
5.Intact stability assessment in the event of firefighting water trapped in decks of passenger ships;
6.Solutions on how to maintain the minimum stability and ensure strength safety in case of an accident.
Mandatory Requirement
MARPOL Annex I, Ch.5, Reg.37(4): All oil tankers of 5,000 tonnes deadweight or more shall have prompt access to computerized shore-based damage stability and residual structural strength calculation programs.
The related requirements of the United States of America.
The related requirements of the Government of The People's Republic of China.
IIn case of emergency,please contact ClassNU emergency telephone : +86-21-65759141 or +86-15962980663
You will get swift support from a team made up of stability experts, marine engineers, naval archtects, masters.