

ClassNU (Shanghai) Office – Financial Assistance Program (2017)

      ClassNU (Shanghai) Office, a subsidiary of NU Group, started the Financial AssistanceProgram in past two years to affirm our commitment to a caring society. Following the success in2017, we will continue to have 1-2 national applicant quota, including Financial Assistance RMB5,000-10,000/applicant) and Start-of-term donation (RMB1,000-2,000/applicant). At thesame time, we have 1 overseas applicant quota, including Financial Assistance(US$2,000/applicant).

      If you know of students who possess an excellent academic track record but experiencefinancial difficulties attending university, please recommend our Financial Assistance Program tohim/her. Please ask him/her to write a paragraph or two on “Description of HouseholdCircumstances” and a 1000-word Application Essay, and to fill up our Application Form(hand-written, not typed). Send the 3 forms to our Email address: marketing@nugroup.net/summer_ye@nugroup.org, or to submit it to ClassNU WeChat (ID:ClassNU). Our company’s management will then decide on the successful applicant based on theinformation submitted. We will remit the financial assistance grant to the school’s tuition fee bankaccount, and the start-of-term donation to the applicant bank account.

      We believe in corporate social responsibility. We strongly support educational programs thatpromote equal opportunities for every student. Through our small efforts, we hope that we couldignite a passion for learning and hope in students from humble background. At the same time, wehope that when these students become useful members of society in the future, these students willuse their knowledge and wisdom to contribute backto society. By helping these students, we arehelping ourselves and the entire community.